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北京中医药大学国际学院 2018年度“北京市外国留学生奖学金”(本科生)申请办法Application for Beijing Government scholarship,2018

一、申请条件 application requirements


Whoever belong to the international schools bachelor degree program and has not get any other scholarships from sep.2017 to sep.2018 can apply for this scholarship.

2. 2018级新生不参加本次评审

Freshmen from 2018 cant apply to this scholarship


The candidate of this scholarship should consciously follow Chinese laws and regulations, school rules and regulations, also, respect teachers and classmates.


The candidate needs to hold a good attitude towards Chinese culture and Chinese traditional medicine, also needs actively participating in school activities and got good academic marks from last year’s study.

二、评审标准 standard of review;


Assessment indicators: academic performance and daily performance


Academic performance: passed all courses during 2017-2018 academic year; Average scores in compulsory courses are above 75.


Daily performance: consistently follow discipline and law and participate in various activities of the school, etc.



Abide by Chinese laws and regulations;


Abide by the school rules and regulations


Respect teachers, unite classmates


Actively participate in various activities organized by the school , actively assist the teacher's work and other four indicators to conduct evaluation, and each assessment indicators are divided into five grades: good, good, general, poor and poor, with scores of 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 respectively. The final score=A+B+C+D,100 points to the top.


Reward indicator: make outstanding contributions to our school or BUCM


3 points for participants and 4 points for winners to participate in China's national or municipal Level activities this year.


1 point for participants and 2 points for winners to participate in university-level or university-level activities this year;


3 points for class leader this year.


3 points for working in mybeijing WeChat group and passed the assessment


Bonus points can be calculated accumulatively 6 points to the top

三、申请材料与评审程序 Application materials and review procedures

1.留学生本人自愿申请,填写申请表,于2018年10月15日前申请表及相关材料(申请表、不少于400字的学习体会,如有加分,请提交相关证明材料)交本人所在班级班主任, 成绩单由教务科统一开具。

Whoever wants to compete for this scholarship need to  fill in the application form, and submit related materials (the application form, no less than 400 words of self-summary, if you have bonus points, please submit supporting materials) to your class teacher. Academic transcript will be issued by the academic affairs department.


The scholarship evaluation working group will review and evaluate the application materials in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness, impartiality and transparency. The evaluation results will be published for five working days and then submitted to Beijing Government for review and approval.

四、奖学金标准 Scholarship standards

一等奖: 1.5万元人民币

First prize:15000 rmb

二等奖: 1.2万元人民币

second prize:12000 rmb

三等奖: 0.8万元人民币

Third prize:8000 rmb


International School,BUCM

